
Number of seats: Not specified
County (pre 1974): Derbyshire
County (post 1974): Not specified
Authority (1995): N/A
Constituent Country (or Nation): England
British Parliamentary Election Results 1 (ed. FWS Craig): Not specified
British Parliamentary Election Results 2 (ed. FWS Craig): 236
British Parliamentary Election Results 3 (ed. FWS Craig): 306
British Parliamentary Election Results 4 (ed. FWS Craig): 349
Formed 1885
Disbanded 1983
Notes: Full name (in Craig 2,3,4) Derbyshire, Ilkeston

Elected Members

  1. Thomas Watson

    Party: Liberal
    Constituency connections: None known
    Year of election: 1885
    Date of election: 24 November 1885
    Nature of election: General election
    Nature of service: First Entry
    Year of exit: 1887*
    Date of exit: 7 March 1887
    Nature of exit: Death
    Party: Liberal
    Sponsorship: None known
    Notes: None
  2. Balthazar Foster

    Party: Liberal
    Constituency connections: None known
    Year of election: 1887*
    Date of election: 24 March 1887
    Nature of election: By-election
    Nature of service: Re Entry
    Year of exit: 1910*
    Date of exit: 21 February 1910
    Nature of exit: Elevation to peerage
    Party: Liberal
    Sponsorship: None known
    Notes: None
  3. John Seely

    Party: Liberal
    Constituency connections: Area
    Year of election: 1910*
    Date of election: 7 March 1910
    Nature of election: By-election
    Nature of service: Re Entry
    Year of exit: 1918
    Date of exit: 14 December 1918
    Nature of exit: Change of party
    Party: Liberal
    Sponsorship: None known
    Notes: None
  4. John Seely

    Party: Co. Lib.
    Constituency connections: Area
    Year of election: 1918
    Date of election: 14 December 1918
    Nature of election: General election
    Nature of service: Continuation
    Year of exit: 1922
    Date of exit: 15 November 1922
    Nature of exit: Electoral defeat
    Party: Co. Lib.
    Sponsorship: None known
    Notes: None
  5. George Oliver

    Party: Labour
    Constituency connections: Area
    Year of election: 1922
    Date of election: 15 November 1922
    Nature of election: General election
    Nature of service: First Entry
    Year of exit: 1931
    Date of exit: 27 October 1931
    Nature of exit: Electoral defeat
    Party: Labour
    Sponsorship: TGWU
    Notes: None
  6. Abraham Flint

    Party: Nat. Lab.
    Constituency connections: Area
    Year of election: 1931
    Date of election: 27 October 1931
    Nature of election: General election
    Nature of service: First Entry
    Year of exit: 1935
    Date of exit: 14 November 1935
    Nature of exit: Retirement
    Party: Nat. Lab.
    Sponsorship: None known
    Notes: None
  7. George Oliver

    Party: Labour
    Constituency connections: Area
    Year of election: 1935
    Date of election: 14 November 1935
    Nature of election: General election
    Nature of service: Re Entry
    Year of exit: 1964
    Date of exit: 15 October 1964
    Nature of exit: Retirement
    Party: Labour
    Sponsorship: TGWU
    Notes: None

Other candidates

  1. Henry Wright

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1900
    Date of election: 1900-10-01 00:00:00 UTC
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Conservative
  2. John Farr

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1955
    Date of election: 1955-05-26 00:00:00 UTC
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Conservative
  3. Michael Clark

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1979
    Date of election: 1979-05-03 00:00:00 UTC
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Conservative
  4. Henry Raikes

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1929
    Date of election: Not specified
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Conservative
  5. Henry Wright

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1910*
    Date of election: Not specified
    Nature of election: By-election
    Party: Conservative
  6. George Oliver

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1918
    Date of election: Not specified
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Labour
  7. Henry Raikes

    Connection with constituency: None known
    Year of election: 1924
    Date of election: Not specified
    Nature of election: General election
    Party: Conservative